bodycology FREE Sample
(click on picture)

GoodNites Underpants FREE Sample
(click on picture)
Here is an interesting Freebie. I don't think that I have the guts to do it, but maybe my kids will.
Friday, July 10th5th Annual Cow Appreciation Day
Come into any Chick-fil-A restaurant dressed as a cow and
receive a free meal!
They even supply you with a printable costume.
If anyone does this, I would love to see pictures!
Just click on the cow to go to their site and get your costume kit or more info.

FREE clinics for kids, but you have to sign up and they fill up quick.
I was too late to sign up for these, but they are still available in some Lowes stores.
(Click on the picture to sign up)I was too late to sign up for these, but they are still available in some Lowes stores.

7-11 FREE Slurpee
"Guess what's coming soon? July 11th. As in 7-Eleven. As in the single greatest day of the year. R.S.V.P. to the party via Facebook. And when we say party, we mean par-tay. We'll be giving out free 7.11 oz. Slurpee drinks and cup-loads of other prizes*. There's also a slurp-prise on July 11th so check back then."
I was addicted to the green apple flavor when I was pregnant. Somehow it helped with my nausea and just hit the spot for me. My poor DH drove all around town one night looking for a 7-11 that had the green apple flavor.
I was addicted to the green apple flavor when I was pregnant. Somehow it helped with my nausea and just hit the spot for me. My poor DH drove all around town one night looking for a 7-11 that had the green apple flavor.
FREE Sample of Zun Spot
(Click Picture)
Mars Chocolate
Click the picture to get yours!
Ohh I love these free deals!! Thanks Jen. I actually have three blogs, one is my preschool so parents can see what we are doing in class. I think that blogging is what keeps me sane!! jk. Yeah Christmas morning, if you weren't awake by 4 a.m you missed out!!