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Toys R Us Thomas & Friends Playdate
September 11 from 11am-1pm
They will have giveaways, story time, coloring, fun, and more.

Free Graco LiteUps Baby Nail Clippers
You get these when you sign up for their newsletter.

Free Sample of Shout Color Catcher

Free music downloads from Amazon
This weeks FREE music and samples at WalMart
Mega Swag Buck Friday!
Comment and share what prizes you have gotten with your swag bucks, or share your favorite tips. I earned $25 in Amazon gift cards for August! It is better to get 5 $5 Amazon gift cards instead of one $25 gift card. It will cost you less swag bucks in the end and you will end up with more $$$ in gift cards.
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Great blog.. love it.. hope on over to envymycooking for new recipes