All natural, whole grain and no high fructose corn syrup. I love Kashi.
Down East Home Labor Day Sale and Giveaway!
For those of you in Utah and Idaho, you won't want to miss this sale. I'm going first thing today to see the $249 desk that will be $39.99. I have decided that I need my own computer that my kids won't monopolize. I am planning on putting it in my bedroom where I can go and hide away from the chaos and blog to my hearts content. I just need a cute desk and all of the ones at the office stores are so office looking. I know that anything Down East Home sells will be much more stylish.

I LOVE Down East Home and their great sales. Enter their drawing for a $1,000 shopping spree HERE (or don't enter so that I have a better chance of winning).

Free music downloads from Amazon
This weeks FREE music and samples at WalMart
Mega Swag Buck Friday!
Comment and share what prizes you have gotten with your swag bucks, or share your favorite tips. I have been collecting as many $5 Amazon gift cards as I can for Christmas (I am hoping to have $200 in gift cards by then).
Don't know what Swag Bucks are? Only the easiest way to earn money! You get paid in swag bucks for searching the internet. You are randomly awarded swag bucks which can be used for gift cards and other great prizes. I have my home page set with a search in the swag buck search bar so that every time I open my browser it automatically does a search. I have won many times just for opening my browser. I also search for places rather than just go there (facebook, my blog, etc...).
Click the picture below to start your own swag buck account and get 30 free swag bucks.
Thanks for the heads up on the Down East Home sale. And, oh, don't forget that Saver's is having 50% off the entire store on Monday - Labor Day.