Tuesday, April 3, 2012

132nd Penny Pinching Party & Kool-Aid Eggs on Pinterest

If you are on Follow Me on Pinterest, you have probably seen this photo floating around:

I tried it with my kids and it works. The only difference is that there are some new flavors out that work a little better and different. The pineapple kool-aid makes a great yellow egg (works better than the lemon). 

I have also tried a bunch of great new food recipes I found on Pinterest. There is now a new saying around The Thrifty Home household: "Is this from Pinterest?"



  1. Thanks for another link party! I've been asked by a lot of peeps how I make my own Sushi at home. I decided that being the Sushi hack that I am, I should do a little tutorial. So, I've linked up a simple tutorial-sans raw fish. It's healthy, cheap to make and oh, so tasty. Hope you like it and have a great week!

  2. Thank you for hosting! We are off to the store today to get egg decorating supplies and think we will give the kool-aid trick a try.

  3. Thanks again so much for hosting, I really enjoy coming to look at all the fabulous thrifty ideas.

  4. Thanks so much for hosting! Great kool-aid egg dying~they look so pretty!

  5. Thank you for hosting!! I love the kool aid idea for the eggs! Who knew?!
