Monday, April 9, 2012

Refinancing Mortgage to Save Money

It seems just like yesterday that we bought our new house, but it has been a year and the already low interest rates are now an entire percent lower. We were not looking to move a year ago, but like many others found a great short sale and couldn't pass up the opportunity. Even with the great deal on a short sale and the interest rates being low, we were able a year later to get an even better interest rate. Our house even went up in value with all of our improvements. If you have not refinanced lately, I highly recommend checking out the rates and possibilities. Our payment went down almost $300 a month!
If you are one of the unlucky ones who owe more than the value of your home, there is still hope for you:
HARP allows homeowners who owe more than the value of their home to refinance.

*This post was sponsored by HARP


  1. Borrowers with less than perfect credit may find it challenging to refinance through conventional lenders. Qualifying factors for home loan refinancing include employment history, financial ability to repay the home loan, appraised property value, and debt-to-income ratio.for non resident Australia citizen home loan click here

  2. Yes, a bad record could affect to refinance, so make sure to pay your bills on time.
