Tuesday, May 29, 2012

139th Penny Pinching Party • Shaklee Giveaway Winners

Here is the post for the Shaklee Basic H Cleaner Review and Giveaway

I have been using Shaklee Basic H around my house for about a month now, and am addicted. I love that I don't have to search through a cabinet of different cleaners for the right one. Basic H seems to work for EVERYTHING, which really makes life much more simple. I also love that it is organic and non-toxic so I can clean with my little boy right beside me.

Here are the lucky winners of the giveaway who get to try a sample of Basic H:

Jamilia Barahona
Shellenem Mueller
Christa @ Controlling Craziness

Please email me your addresses (thethriftyhome(at)gmail(dot)com

If you didn't win, you can still get 15% off your order and a free membership in the Month of May (only a couple of days left for this).

Basic H ends up costing:
1 cent to make window cleaner
3 cents to make all-purpose cleaner
17 cents to make degreaser

Click the button below to save 15%



  1. lucky winner..I'll try again. I'm new at your place..

  2. Good Morning! Today, I've linked up my Simple, Spicy Salsa recipe (# 22 ) that's super easy to make and pretty stinkin' yummy. It's cheap to make at home and it's good for you! Thanks for hosting the party and have a great day!

  3. Thank you so much for hosting!
