Tuesday, July 3, 2012

144th Penny Pinching Party

Happy 4th of July!!!
I hope you are all having a wonderful 4th of July. We were going to get up early for the Provo Balloon Festival and then go to the parade, but my little guy just came down with a fever :(
I can't say that I'm really disappointed about not getting up at the crack of dawn for the Balloon Festival and then sitting in the blazing hot sun for the parade. It sure won't feel like the 4th though.
What traditions do you do on the 4th of July?



  1. thanks for hosting! Hope you have terrific fourth of July! :-)

  2. Thanks for hosting! Happy July 4th!

    Check out my latest recipe @ bakingblissful.blogspot.com

  3. Honestly, my family's traditions are pretty lame whenever I hear/see what YOUR family does. The K's are crazy like that.
