Tuesday, July 24, 2012

147th Penny Pinching Party

I hope you have all had a fantastic week. I just got back from my first trip to NYC which was really amazing and I will blog about it all later this week. My apologies to anyone who has tried to contact me, I will be responding to my emails soon too. It was really great to disconnect from email, internet, blogging, pinterest, phone, house, life, kids, cooking, housework, and everything else for a whole week. I feel so refreshed and am actually excited to get back to cooking, cleaning, and all that mundane stuff. The last time I went on vacation alone with my husband without kids was 16 years ago on our honeymoon. It was long overdue and I will not let another 16 years go by before we do it again.

So what amazingly thrifty things have you been up to this week? I was not very thrifty since everything in NYC seems to cost a lot more, but I did get an illegal Prada bag off the street for a bargain.



  1. Hello-thanks for the party! I've been trying to avoid sodas and come up with no/low calorie alternatives. Today, I am linking up my Fresh Lime "Gritzer (#13) that is low calorie and tasty. I hope you enjoy. Thanks again!

  2. Thanks for hosting, Jen. Have a great week and can't wait to see stuff about NYC.

  3. Thanks for hosting this party - I am off to click through the other entries and see what everyone's up to! :)

  4. Your party matched what I posted (Penny Pinching). Thanks for hosting.

  5. Hi Jen,
    Can't wait to see the "illegal prada bag", lol!
    Thanks for the party:) Di

  6. Wow! I really love this post, I have never come across this before, perhaps I will have to join in one day!
