Tuesday, August 7, 2012

149th Penny Pinching Party

Every year there always seems to be a project around the house that eats up our tax return (Last year it was a new roof). This year our house didn't need anything (this was a first) and we decided to use the money on a much needed vacation without kids.
Soooo, in July I went with my husband to New York for an entire week and had the best time of my life!

 I wrote a condensed version of our trip along with tips here (yes, I know it is long, but it is the condensed version; we did a lot!):
My New York Vacation and Tips (Part 1)
and here:
My New York Vacation and Tips (Part 2)

Even though we spent a lot of money, this still counts as a thrifty post since I still found ways to save money while in New York. Everyone needs to go to New York at least once in their life.



  1. Thanks for hosting! I just came back from BlogHer which was in NYC this year. I wish I had seen your tips ahead of time! I kept the trip pretty frugal though I could have saved more, I'm sure.

    This week, I'm sharing my tips for saving money on school uniforms, plus a coupon code for Back to School shopping at Kohl's.

  2. Just found your Penny Pinching Party! Thanks for that. I also went to New York with my husband on Vacation a few years ago. It was my favorite vacation Evah!

  3. I agree that you have to visit New York at least once in your life. I've been twice and the first time I was guilty of not penny pinching. The second time I did much better. Thanks for your posts by the way!

  4. Awesome blog. I enjoyed reading your articles. This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles.Keep up the good work!

  5. Everyone needs to go to New York at least once in their life.
