Tuesday, August 21, 2012

151st Penny Pinching Party

This week I finished organizing my bathroom drawers:
I love being organized and feel much better now. My kids started school yesterday and I am looking forward to getting the house back and organized after the long Summer break.

What have you been up to?



  1. Good morning and thanks for another link party! I linked up my recipes for Healthy, Homemade Beauty Products (#8 ). You can make everything you need to care for your face for pennies on the dollar. They are inexpensive, easy to do and very healthy for your skin. Hope you enjoy!
    Rebekah ~ www.potholesandpantyhose.com

  2. Jen,
    Thanks so much for hosting
    Debi @ Adorned From Above

  3. Thanks for hosting! I thought the project that I created fit right in with Penny Pinching this week. Easy one to do to add beauty to your space and didn't break the bank the create. Have a fabulous week!

  4. Okay, you've inspired me to tackle my bathroom drawer. If no one sees me in the blogosphere for a couple of weeks, they'll know to blame you. ;)
