Last year I started a book club for my 11 year old daughter. We use the American Girl Book Club kit (got it on major clearance), but we don't read American Girl books exclusively.
So far we have made book bags and had a mystery lunch that went along with a mystery book they read. At the last book club we made dragon bookmarks to go along with the book
This is a great book for girls to read and since it has been out for a while, there are enough copies at the library for all the girls.
I found some cute bookmarks on Pinterest (This link will say it is spam, but it is not. Just click "continue to link"or go to the site directly by clicking here: Page Corner Bookmarks)
and had the girls make them to go along with the book they were reading for the month (Dealing with Dragons).
After book club my other kids and husband made some and this is what they came up with.
I love Pinterest!
That is such a great thing, reading is a fantastic thing to encourage the girls to do, those corner bookmarks are toooo cute! :)