Tuesday, September 11, 2012

154th Penny Pinching Party



  1. Thanks for the party, glad to be here!

  2. Thank you for hosting! I love to see what frugal things others are doing. May I make a suggestion? This link is not easy to use because of the requirement to provide a backlink. I almost did not link up today because of it. There are some other link-ups that are that way, and I don't link up with them as often because of that factor. It takes up too much of my time. It is a pain! I feel that it ruins my attitude and the spirit of the link up. I think you would have more people link up and get more traffic to your site if you did not require such things. Also 40 characters sometimes is not quite enough to put in a good description. Just a few thoughts that may make your site a bit more user friendly. Just my opinon on the matter, take it or leave it!

    1. Thanks for the feedback Happy Momma. I will set my parties to allow 50 characters and will ask what others think about the link requirement. I have been requiring the link back as a way of rewarding those who do it. It keeps the party smaller and their links get viewed more.

  3. Love the party! :)

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