
March 2020 Penny Pinching Party and Stock App

Sunday, March 1, 2020

I'm heading out to Costco to stock up for the Coronovirus and will be buying all the essentials like prescription medications, toilet paper, and food (pretty much the same as every Costco trip I take, lol). I'm also taking advantage of the stock market dip. I downloaded Robinhood a couple of years ago and have been watching and waiting for the right time to invest. Yesterday I finally created my account and invested in stocks like Carnival and Royal Caribbean (they are down now, but will be back up when people start traveling again). I've also always wanted to own a share of Disney and now I do! I couldn't believe how easy it was and I used a friend's referral to get a free stock. 

If you sign up with my link we both get free stock!

Now for the Penny Pinching Party! Tell me in the comments what you are doing to prepare for the Coronivirus and what stocks you are investing in.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

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